Request for Proposals (RFPs) East Side Building Fund
CRS is currently accepting proposals for assistance with the new East Side Building Fund. There are two (2) separate and distinct opportunities:
- Local Program Administrator (LPA): Nonprofit to administer the East Side Building Fund. Download the Request for Proposals: Local Program Administrator PDF.
- Community Engagement Partner (CEP): Nonprofit or for-profit to assist with community outreach for the East Side Building Fund. THE CEP APPLICATION IS NOW CLOSED.
Proposals are accepted using the forms below. Submissions should correspond to the RFP you are responding to and be:
- In Adobe PDF format (no other formats are accepted)
- Limited to a single file upload
- Submitted by the deadline for each RFP
Can a firm/non-profit serve as a sub-consultant for one of the proposals and prime consultant for the other?
An entity can apply to serve as a sub-consultant for one of the proposals and a prime consultant for the other. Please note that only a 501c3 nonprofit can apply to be the prime consultant for the LPA opportunity.